When we were younger, we would play outside from sun up until the street lights came on. A few weeks ago I wrote a post entitled A Ride Through Puddles about correcting my mood by reverting to my childhood. There is a popular quote that states…

You can discover more about a person during an hour of play than in a year of conversation.

That quote is incorrectly associated with Plato, however, there may be some truths that resonate. According to the NIFP, “There is a huge amount of scientific research (neurophysiology, developmental and cognitive psychology, animal play behavior, molecular biology) that describe patterns and states of play, and explains how play shapes our brains, creates our competencies, and ballasts our emotions.”

So what does that mean? Simply put, there is research that proves playing is healthy for you! Not only is it good for you physically, but it helps alter how you think in a positive way. Play can help sculpt your mind to adapt to situations, manage your emotions, and build resilience for the unexpected. Find yourself stressed from work and family obligations? Allocate some time to play and rejuvenate yourself. All it takes is 20 minutes to recharge your battery!

Dr. J

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